July 26 2015: Somalia - civil war - book signing event

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July 26 2015: Somalia - civil war - book signing event

Postby Noel Tudball » Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:25 pm

Not Seaford, but you may be interested ......

See attached flyer.
Abdi Aden Flyer.pdf
(425.93 KiB) Downloaded 643 times

Abdi Aden’s world fell apart when he was only fifteen and Somalia’s vicious civil war hit Mogadishu.

Unable to find his family and effectively an orphan, Abdi survived daily violence, death squads and starvation. After almost four months he reached Kenya.
He was just seventeen years old when he arrived in Melbourne after journeying through Romania and Germany. He had no English, no family or friends, no money, no home. Yet, Abdi went on to complete postgraduate qualifications in adolescent mental health and was acknowledged with the 2007 Victorian Refugee Recognition Award. Abdi also featured in the SBS second series of Go Back to Where You Came From.

Come along and hear this truly amazing story of survival and learn a little of the horrors faced in Somali during this turbulent period.


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Noel Tudball
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Joined: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:28 pm

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