Campaign to Retain Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

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Campaign to Retain Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue May 01, 2018 11:52 pm

June 2023:
Here we go again ........
This time RETAIN the bluestone and RETROFIT the interior, PLEASE.
Click on this link to view the 2023 details and Have Your Say in FCC's survey


The SCC is supporting the many residents who have contacted us saying they do not agree with Frankston City Council’s plans to replace ALL bluestone toilet blocks with a new cheap-looking style. Together, a campaign has been launched to save bluestone toilet blocks in Seaford/Frankston, particularly on the foreshore.

Instead of demolition, please:
  • retain & refurbish Frankston bluestone toilets (including those in the planning phase) to make them compliant with new regulations
  • replace those already demolished
  • include a shower or somewhere to wash sandy feet in refurbished toilet blocks
  • the toilets can be made compliant - people don't demolish their houses to accommodate a wheelchair - they renovate
  • only or 2 gone so far - others not planned for 2 years
We wish to express our strong disapproval of the decision to demolish ALL bluestone toilet blocks in Frankston and to replace them with entirely inappropriate and offensive alternatives.

Perhaps you could accuse us of doing a 'dunny spit', but the replacement block opposite McCulloch Ave is an expensive eyesore that should not be repeated elsewhere along the Frankston-Seaford foreshore. Indeed, we implore Council to reverse its decision and to reinstate the former bluestone toilet block opposite McCulloch Ave (as closely as possible to its original state), and terminate any plans to demolish and replace other remaining bluestone toilet blocks.

  • Bluestone toilet blocks blend into foliage
  • The new style stands out like a sore thumb - see photos - and larger ones below
We must now lobby our Councillors - see below.

Which do you think better suits our foreshore?
Bluestone (Mobile).jpg
Bluestone (Mobile).jpg (15.56 KiB) Viewed 40336 times

or This:
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It appears that FCC staff and management are simply doing what they have been told to do by Frankston Councillors.
We must now lobby our Councillors to:

  • Reverse their decision to replace ALL bluestone toilets
  • Return the toilet on Seaford foreshore, opposite McCulloch Avenue to it's previous condition
  • Since any decision must be made by a majority of Councillors, all 9 must be contacted and persuaded
  • Councillor contact details are here:
By all means, let us know you have contacted Councillors - the more, the better.

Read the next couple of Posts for more information.

The SCC understands that FCC staff cannot be everywhere. They sometimes need to rely on residents to advise them of problems.
To report problems:
Again, the petition and Councillor contact details are here:

(Click on images to view & close)

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Facebook - click on the link in the top right-hand corner of this screen.

The Seaford Community Committee (SCC) aims to improve communication and create a stronger community in Seaford.

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Noel Tudball
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Re: Bluestone toilet blocks: future of

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue May 01, 2018 11:53 pm

The following information has been obtained and compiled by SCC members and friends in liaison with FCC management and others.

Toilet blocks - the FCC Manager responsible has advised:
  • “Eventually all blue-stone toilet blocks will be replaced with a new model that has modules like the one in the George Pentland Gardens (larger than the one planned for near McCulloch Ave) and also situated at the waterfront near the Frankston pier." It seems that blue-stone toilet blocks deteriorate, are hard to maintain & keep clean and are easily dismantled by vandals
  • Q. Access to the blocks would require some sort of pathway, otherwise changes to the block itself will be useless - are these works scheduled?
    A. If a new toilet block is located near a carpark then we would ensure there is a compliant path to provide the appropriate access for all users from toilet to parking. In the case of the new toilet block opposite McCulloch Ave it does have paths for access to either side of the facility to match in with new and existing levels of surrounding gravel paths along the foreshore.
  • Q. Why, if a path is added cannot the existing blocks be modified?
    A. The current toilets are old designs which met regulations at that time, which are now outdated. The existing layout and space available will not allow the addition of a accessible toilet, there just isn’t enough circulation space to meet current regulations, as well as try to fit in all the other amenities which need to meet current codes. You’re redesigning the entire amenities and starting again, which is what we had to do.
    A. There is also an issue with the structural integrity of the existing bluestone blocks, they would not be able to support a new roof. It would require a redesign of the whole structure which becomes a far more expensive exercise and still results in a full rebuild.
  • Q Is that new one operational yet? People report that it already looks shabby and is subject to vandalism.
    A. Yes this toilet is open to the public.
  • Q Do you really intend to replace these with facilities like the one already placed on Frankston Foreshore recently?
    A. Unfortunately vandalism happens throughout the municipality and is something that Council have to rectify on all of our assets, not just our public toilets. We try to design our new buildings using vandal proof materials and in innovative ways to help minimise damage and vandalism and help to assist with repair and maintenance. A. Often we find that new buildings do experience additional unwanted attention once first complete. The toilet blocks are also located in more private settings so can be more prone to attacks. But the new amenities now have (power) safety lights to be more visible to the community.
    A. Council approved a ‘universal’ design / template to be used for all new toilets along the foreshore. Sizes may vary between locations but essentially the design language stays the same.
    A. With our current and extensive daily cleaning regime of all our public toilets hopefully the person / people saying a toilet looks “shabby” was rectified on that same day.

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Re: Bluestone toilet blocks: future of

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue May 01, 2018 11:54 pm

The following information has been obtained and compiled by SCC members and friends in liaison with FCC management and others.

Correspondence received from the responsible FCC Manager:
  • I’m writing on behalf of the Frankston City Council pertaining to your enquiry about the removal of existing bluestone toilet blocks and installation of new facilities.
  • Council have a 10 year toilet action plan which covers all of the existing public toilet amenities across the municipality. This Plan rates the condition of each of these toilet blocks which results in a priority being given to each and a subsequent action - Decommission, decommission and replace with new amenity, refurbish, minor compliance works (to become Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant) or leave as is.
  • The age, condition and non-compliance (DDA – not ‘access for all’ abilities) of the existing bluestone toilets throughout the municipality rated them as a high priority for decommissioning. Many pose a risk to community safety in ways of structural deficiencies and or unsavoury activities around these facilities due to no lighting and design layout.
  • At a number of these locations will have new toilet amenities built to replace the ones being decommissioned. The design (template) of these new facilities has been approved by Council.
  • The bluestone from the decommissioned toilets is being collected and recycled (I’m not aware of how) by the Frankston Regional Recycling and Recovery Centre.
  • The next bluestone toilets (located along the Seaford Foreshore) proposed to be decommissioned and replaced with a new facility are - FY 2018/19 toilet block opposite Seaford Rd and FY 2019/20 toilet block opposite Armstrongs Rd.

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Re: Bluestone toilet blocks: future of

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue May 01, 2018 11:55 pm

The following information has been obtained and compiled by SCC members and friends in liaison with FCC management and others.

Toilet on Seaford foreshore, opposite McCulloch Avenue:
  • 13 April 2018: "still no toilet paper, the same and more rubbish on the floor and to make matters worse as I was coming down the boardwalk the fellow from "Cleanaway" walked over to the Dunny, had a quick look and then got back in his truck and drove away. No cleaning, No toilet paper and door still locked"
  • 6 April 2018: "one door was locked from the inside and the other toilet had no toilet paper and rubbish on the floor"
  • March 2018: a resident was told that "Daisy Downs bought them"
  • March 2018: still not open - awaiting power connection
  • Late March 2018: power connected
  • October 2017: Work completed
  • 28 August 2017: Fate of the bluestone blocks sought & provided by FCC: "the blocks will be recycled and available for sale from the Treasure Chest Recycled Shop at FRRRC – ... 22R6%22%7D
  • 22 August 2017:

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Re: Demise of ALL Bluestone toilet blocks?

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Jun 26, 2018 7:43 pm

Please sign our Petition.jpg
Please sign our Petition.jpg (10.06 KiB) Viewed 40047 times

Online Petition:

Please only sign one petition, so that we don't get duplicate names.
The full petition wording is below the images.

Download the paper petition to collect more signatures - email us ( to arrange their return

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If you prefer to write a letter or email:
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The Online Petition wording:

Retain & Refurbish Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

Frankston City Council plans to replace ALL bluestone toilets, rather than make them compliant with new regulations.

The SCC is supporting the many residents who have contacted us saying they do not agree with Frankston City Council’s plans to replace ALL bluestone toilet blocks with a new cheap-looking style. Together, a campaign has been launched to save bluestone toilet blocks in Seaford/Frankston, particularly on the foreshore.

Instead of demolition, please:
  • retain & refurbish Frankston bluestone toilets (including those in the planning phase) to make them compliant with new regulations
  • replace those already demolished
  • include a shower or somewhere to wash sandy feet in refurbished toilet blocks
We wish to express our strong disapproval of the decision to demolish ALL bluestone toilet blocks in Frankston and to replace them with entirely inappropriate and offensive alternatives.

Perhaps you could accuse us of doing a 'dunny spit', but the replacement block opposite McCulloch Ave is an expensive eyesore that should not be repeated elsewhere along the Frankston-Seaford foreshore. Indeed, we implore Council to reverse its decision and to reinstate the former bluestone toilet block opposite McCulloch Ave (as closely as possible to its original state), and terminate any plans to demolish and replace other remaining bluestone toilet blocks.

We understand that a need for disabled access is one reason cited for the decision to replace the bluestone toilet blocks. However, a cheaper and more desirable and effective alternative would have been to adapt the bluestone toilet blocks to meet this need by way of a (comparatively minor) internal alteration or external addition.


More information:

(Please only sign either this online petition or the paper version, so that we don't get duplicate names.)

In our view, the bluestone toilet blocks should be retained on heritage, environmental and economic grounds, as follows:

Heritage: the bluestone toilet blocks were built at least 50 years ago and form part of the collective experience and memories of families who have been enjoying the unique and distinctive bush-and-beach character of the Frankston-Seaford foreshore, often over two or more generations. More widely, the 'dunny' has a special place in Australian culture and the bluestone toilet blocks are arguably one of the best examples of seaside lavatorial architecture in the post-WW2 era. As such, the bluestone toilet blocks should be preserved as an important part of our local and national cultural heritage. Conversely, their replacement block opposite McCulloch Ave, Seaford has no architectural merit whatsoever and neither it nor any replicas will ever attain the iconic status of their bluestone betters.

Environmental: the scale and colour of the bluestone toilet blocks are in complete sympathy with the surrounding indigenous seaside vegetation, as they nestle below the main tree canopy and blend in closely with the typically grey-green trees and shrubs. Unlike their replacement block opposite McCulloch Ave, which is ugly and offensive to the eye, the bluestone toilets have no disruptive or deleterious visual impact on the attractive foreshore vista whatsoever. We are also deeply dismayed by the excessive and unnecessary removal of surrounding coastal banksias and other indigenous trees during and after its construction.

Economic: the bluestone toilet blocks are rock solid, low-maintenance and long-lasting constructions that require a minimal allocation of Council/ratepayer resources to maintain. They are largely immune to vandalism. Conversely, replacement blocks (e.g. opposite McCulloch Ave) involve an unnecessarily large outlay to construct and will undoubtedly attract vandals and generally be a more expensive facility to maintain.

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Noel Tudball
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Re: Campaign to Retain Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Jun 14, 2023 5:55 pm

June 2023:
Here we go again ........

This time RETAIN the bluestone and RETROFIT the interior, PLEASE.

Have Your Say in FCC's survey:

Discussion on Facebook
Bluestone is aesthetically much more pleasing than the ugly metal shed at McCulloch Avenue (which replaced the bluestone toilet). This was the cheapest possible design.

FCC bowed to public pressure last time by simply stopping replacements.

FCC documentation says:
- “public toilets must be accessible”. Has anyone tried to access the McCulloch Avenue toilet using a wheelchair?
- “bluestone toilets will be retrofitted where possible”. Allegedly, the bluestone toilet at McCulloch Avenue wasn't able to be retrofitted
- if replaced, the “bluestone will be reused locally”. The bluestone from the McCullough Avenue toilet was used at Ballam Park

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Re: Campaign to Retain Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:21 pm

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Noel Tudball
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Re: Campaign to Retain Bluestone Toilets in Frankston

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:31 pm

Refurbished bluestone toilet

Refurbished bluestone toilet
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Noel Tudball
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