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Acid Sulphate Soils & their effects on Seaford

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 5:42 pm
by Noel Tudball

Also see - New Residential Zones - Amendment C95 :arrow:

Environmental Risk - Frankston Planning Scheme - 2012 - 21.05.jpg
Environmental Risk - Frankston Planning Scheme - 2012 - 21.05.jpg (157.97 KiB) Viewed 9228 times

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Much of Seaford is affected by sulphate soils. Let's hope "The Powers That Be" take this into account when deciding where to allocate new Residential Zones and approving or declining building permits.

For example, in Docklands and Southbank, the soil attributes that make it difficult to build include:
  • the presence of acid sulfate soil which is normally harmless when not exposed to oxygen (an aerobic environment), however should the acid sulfate soil be exposed to oxygen, a chemical reaction is initiated which produces sulfuric acid.
  • This acid has the ability to compromise the integrity of concrete, potentially undermining structural integrity and rendering it not fit for purpose in a structure;
  • a shallow water table of approximately 1.5 metres below ground level;
  • a lack of a solid geological foundation such as relatively accessible bedrock;
  • highly variable ground conditions in the form of Coode Island Silts.