October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

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October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:54 pm

2020 elected Councillors

Links: (click on underscored text)

Dates - info for voters and candidates:
VEC 2016 Council Election Dates
(725.5 KiB) Downloaded 3861 times
The next council election in Frankston is via
postal vote only and the closing date is 6.00 pm on Friday 21 October 2016
  • There is no polling booth voting on election day in Frankston
  • Ballot packs will be distributed via post between 4 and 6 October 2016
  • With our now slower postal delivery times, mail your postal ballot paper early! (Or hand-deliver to the Election Office - details below)
  • Residents and property owners will vote for 3 Councillors per Ward for each of the 3 Wards in Frankston - in our case, 3 for North-West Ward
  • Nominations for candidates for the 2016 council elections open on Thursday 15 September 2016 and close at 12 noon on Tuesday 20 September 2016

Frankston Election Office
- https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/FrankstonElection/#RO

  • Frankston Mechanics Hall, 1N Plowman Place, Frankston - (03) 8619 1478
  • Voters who haven’t received their ballot pack by Wednesday 12 October should call the Office during business hours to arrange a replacement
  • The Office is open from 9am to 5pm weekdays until 19 October
  • Extended hours of 9am to 8pm on 20 October and 9am to 6pm on 21 October
Mechanics Hall.jpg
Mechanics Hall.jpg (16.64 KiB) Viewed 95610 times


SCC's Questions for Candidates

We contacted all Candidates, asking them to respond to the following list of questions, stating that they should feel free to provide info on other topics if they like. Responses are being listed here as they are received.

Would you like to ask questions of candidates?
This is the list of questions so far .....
We would be keen to hear (and share) your position on:
  • Down's Estate Project
  • Level Crossing Removal Project
  • City Life / replacement services
  • Development in general & 78-83 Nepean Hwy, Seaford, in particular
  • In which Ward do you live or own property?
  • What are your Preferences to other candidates?

If you are standing for the North-West Ward in this election, please refer to the email we sent to you on 23 September, 2016 from Seaford Community Committee, SeafordCC@gmail.com.
We would like to assist you (and voters) by sharing your campaign message, contact details and Preferences.
Responses will be posted here as they are received.


North-West Ward Candidates:
Responses are listed below in the order in which they have been received.

No responses have yet been received from those not listed.

Daniel Redman - click here to view his responses

Rebekah Spelman - click here to view her responses

Lillian O'Connor - click here to view her responses

Kris Bolam - click here to view his responses

Russell Morse - click here to view his responses

Brad Hill - click here to view his responses

Claire Houston - click here to view her responses

(Click on image to view & close. Right click to save full image)
2016FCCBallotOrder - updated.png
Thank you, Michele
2016FCCBallotOrder - updated.png (586.19 KiB) Viewed 95904 times


Remember that there is no polling booth voting on election day in Frankston.
With our now slower postal delivery times, mail your postal ballot paper early!

Another Council far, far away .......
Another Council far, far away
Council2.jpg (45.97 KiB) Viewed 96714 times


Facebook - click on the link in the top right-hand corner of this screen.

The Seaford Community Committee (SCC) aims to improve communication and create a stronger community in Seaford.

SCC website

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:27 pm

Daniel Redman, Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Has not previously been a Frankston Councillor.

Hi Noel,

Thank you very much for contacting me and giving me the opportunity to share my views on these important issues.

In which Ward do you live or own property?
North West Ward

2 - Rebekah Spelman

Down's Estate Project
The Down's Estate is an important community project which I wholeheartedly support, going forward. Harry Down was such an icon of our City and I believe we can, and indeed should, do more to celebrate Frankston's heritage.

I have attended most Council meetings this year and have seen the passion and dedication (through public submissions etc.) of those involved in getting the project to its current stage. There is much opportunity for the Estate, and I believe that the recent Council decision to approve option 3, but importantly with the amendment to retain the main building was the right one. If elected this year, I would like to see this project come to complete fruition in my term and will work hard to see it happen.

Level Crossing Removal Project
There is no doubt that the level crossings in Frankston City need to be removed. Having spoken to many direct and indirect stakeholders (residents along the affected line, businesses etc.) I strongly support a rail under road option. Again, at the recent Council meeting, there was a resolution for Council to publicly oppose sky-rail. Included in this was an option to ignore the crossing at Eel Race Rd, and recommend that funds be diverted to other projects. The reports cite that there is minimal traffic at this crossing, therefore its importance is negligible. This concerns me somewhat. With the rapid increase in population, I would hate to be in a position in 10 years where we are asking ourselves "why didn't we just do it back then".

Although the level crossing removal project will be completely funded by the State Government, I think Council should be prudent in assessing what the ongoing costs of the various options will be (ie. who is responsible for graffiti removal, tree planting, maintenance) and who will ultimately be responsible for these.

City Life / replacement services
Its very sad that a very well run, and longstanding organisation delivering an important community service has been forced to close. I believe that the current Council could have done more to avoid this option. That said, I am limited in my information on the behind the scenes negotiation that took place. I have heard stories from both sides and it has been difficult (without being privy to the confidential discussions) to decipher truth from fiction. Could have our current Council (in partnership with the State Govt) done more to find an alternative location for City Life to continue to deliver its services to some of the most vulnerable in our community. I believe so!

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project
Development is a tough subject to have a 'blanket view' on. On one hand, we all live in a dwelling, which was made possible through past development. But there is also a balance required to maintain certain aspects of our environment, services, infrastructure...way of living. Its a given that we do have a growing population, and we need to find sustainable solutions to provide housing. Higher density development can be advantageous in certain areas, for example in the CBD of Frankston. It allows more targeted delivery of services and a more productive use of infrastructure. It also decreases the demand for higher density projects in surrounding areas (such as Seaford foreshore area).

Specifically in relation to the project at 78-83 Nepean Hwy, I note that there were considerable concessions made ie. reduction in number of dwellings, increased car parks. There was a comprehensive and exhaustive assessment of the project and all in all, believe that a fair outcome was achieved, but accept that it is not to everyone's satisfaction.

Tying into development, and indeed all Council decisions, a large part of my campaign/philosophy is to promote the need for more community buy-in. I want to see a more Community-Connected Council. I think that the advocacy work that the Seaford Community Committee are doing is fantastic, and we need more of it. Although the idea of a 'Ratepayers & Residents Association" will have some Councillors/candidates running, I believe that the community need stronger systems to communicate with Council, and in turn, Council will become more in tune with what our community wants.

Again, thank you for getting in touch. I aim to be a very consultative Councillor if elected, so please feel free to contact me at anytime. I would be happy to meet with you and discuss your future projects.

Kindest Regards,

Daniel Redman
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0401 707 784
E: daniel@redmanforfrankston.com.au
W: http://www.redmanforfrankston.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danieljredman

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download his questionnaire


Daniel also replied to my September question, seeking the questions asked in the VEC Questionnaire (before it was publicly available):

DanielRedman wrote:Noel, here are the questions from VEC in relation to their questionnaire. I believe these will be published on the VEC website following close of nominations

  1. Have you undertaken training to help prepare you to take on the responsibility of being a Councillor?
    Note: Examples of training include training provided by the Council, the Victorian Local Governance Association, the Municipal Association of Victoria or the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
  2. Have you read the current Council Plan for the council named above?
  3. Have you read the current Councillor Code of Conduct for the council named above?
  4. Are you endorsed by a registered political party?
    Note:Registered political party has the same meaning as in Part 4 of the Electoral Act 2002.
  5. Are you a currently a Councillor?
    Note:Council meeting means ordinary meetings and special meetings of the Council referred to in section 82 of the Local Government Act 1989 but do not include meetings held for which a Councillor has been granted leave from attending by the Council.
  6. Please provide your contact details (so that voters can contact you)
Hope this clarifies things, as per your update. Keep up the great work.

Daniel Redman

Thank you, Daniel - much appreciated.

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Thu Aug 18, 2016 10:40 pm

Rebekah Spelman, current Councillor and Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Current Frankston Councillor since 2012.

Thank you for the opportunity to share my views.

In which Ward do you live or own property?
I live in the South Ward.
I chose to represent the North West ward because I think that the residents of South ward are well represented by the councillors and candidates who live locally.
I wanted the North West ward residents to have a strong voice on the council from someone who genuinely cares.
In a nutshell, I think the South ward doesn't need me, but the North West deserves better representation than they've had in the past.

2 - Daniel Redman

Down's Estate Project
The community working group for the Down's Estate project (DECWG) is making excellent headway and proving that anything can be achieved when people come together.
I hope the next 12-18 months will yield a result with the buildings and the property in general that combines great community satisfaction with a fair and reasonable cost.

The working group has my support and I hope to see council officers continuing to work with the community to achieve the best outcome. I think this is a "project" that may take time and patience but the end result has the potential to be an incredible community asset.

Level Crossing Removal Project
Some of you may or may not know that when I stood for council 4 years ago, removing the level crossing at Overton Rd was one of my major platforms.

In the early days I was told that nobody wanted to touch it and it was in the too-hard basket, but in early 2013 I called for (and got) a meeting with the Minister for Transport and presented to him our case. I also spoke several times with Frankston MP, Paul Edbrooke during and after his election campaign and made sure he took the matter seriously. I was pleased to see that he did and that the State govt are acting on the level crossing removal promise.

I'm not happy, however, at the way the level crossing removals are being carried out in the South East. The threat of sky rail is hanging above us (pardon the pun) and as many of you know, I am actively against an elevated rail for Frankston.
Frankston Council were reluctant to form a position on level crossing removals for quite some time but we have finally adopted an official position that we will not accept an elevated rail in Frankston.

The fight isn't over til it's over so I hope to continue working on this issue into the future.

City Life / replacement services
The closure of City Life was very disappointing.
Unfortunately Frankston council did not have any jurisdiction over the matter. Being a State govt issue, it was left to the local MP Paul Edbrooke to find a solution and it was disappointing that he wasn't able to find any solutions save for offering the privately owned CWA building. It was also disappointing that as soon as CityLife shut its doors, funding was found to bring in an outside organisation.

I'm truly glad that a replacement service is going to fill the gap but quite honestly, City Life had a rapport with so many people and it wasn't just about serving food, it was about the relationships and the supplementary services that City Life offered. I would have liked to have seen the funding brought in to find a new premises for City Life rather than replace them with a service that can't possibly compare.

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project
I support development in our city, but not just anything for the sake of development. I want great outcomes that improve our amenity as much as possible.

It's hard as a councillor sometimes to find the right balance.
We have to listen to what the community wants, but also make a decision that will work. Often when planning applications are refused by council, the applicant goes straight to VCAT to appeal, and many times VCAT overturns our decision if it is not based on strong grounds.

I know that residents often get disappointed when they see council has approved another housing development but sometimes it really is best to approve an application with our own added conditions, than to refuse and have VCAT overturn it and give them greater scope to do what they want - we can easily end up with an even worse outcome.

As we speak, Council is working on getting stronger planning controls so that council can have greater powers to refuse and have our refusals upheld by VCAT.

I'm more than happy to discuss any of these issues and any others at any time on my mobile (see below), or feel free to email if you prefer.

If I can offer any assistance or advice to anyone thinking of standing for council I'd be more than happy to.
I will be standing again myself and I'd be very interested in meeting with community members and candidates to discuss local and city-wide issues as well as preferences and other similar parts of nomination.

Rebekah Spelman
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0427 714 370
E: CouncillorRebekah.Spelman@frankston.vic.gov.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rebekah.spelman

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download her questionnaire

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:02 pm

Information for candidates:

Postal election Candidate Handbook -
(2.25 MiB) Downloaded 3921 times

Advertising Authorisation
(yes, you must authorise your own words :) ):
VEC Media Guide -
(1.91 MiB) Downloaded 4585 times
VEC Advertising and Campaign Material -
(553 KiB) Downloaded 3891 times

Source: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/search-vec.html?cx=008209095807004426410%3Amfp8g7fojig&cof=FORID%3A11&q=authorisation

Here's a summary of the main points (thank you, Michele):
  • Advertising and campaign material must be authorised, ensuring the producers of election material are accountable and contactable
  • The authorisation statement must be at the end of the electoral material, as follows: "Authorised by [authoriser’s name], [authoriser’s address]"
  • This requirement applies to the printer, publisher or distributor of the material, and also to the person who causes, permits or authorises the same
  • The address included must be a physical address (a PO box or email address is not acceptable)
  • Authorisation requirements apply at all times — not just in the election period
  • This includes campaign material published through social and online media - social media, websites, blogs and email containing electoral matter or content must be authorised
Candidate Information Session - Tuesday 13 September 2016 - 7pm to 9pm

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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:14 pm

VEC Questionnaire for Candidates

Copies are linked with each Candidate's responses


August 29, 2016 News article:
"CANDIDATES for election as councillors at October’s council elections across Victoria will be encouraged to answer a voluntary questionnaire outlining candidates’ experience and suitability for public office as part of a plan to better inform voters before they cast their votes."
More at source: http://baysidenews.com.au/2016/08/29/training-targeted-councillors/
I cannot find that questionnaire anywhere - my guess is that it is part of the Candidate registration process.
Daniel Redman has provided the questionnaire and believes responses will be published on the VEC website following close of nominations - http://www.seafordcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=225&p=464#p462 (thank you).

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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:19 pm

Timeline for local council elections

Voting in Frankston is by postal ballot only
  • Friday 26 August 2016, 4.00 pm - Entitlement date - people must be on the State or local council roll by this date to be eligible to vote at the election
  • Thursday 15 September 2016 - Nominations for candidates open
  • Tuesday 20 September 2016, 12 noon - Close of nominations - anyone wishing to stand as a candidate must be nominated by 12 noon
  • Wednesday 21 September, 12 noon - last chance for candidates to lodge candidate statements, photos and respond to questionnaire
  • Tuesday 4 and Thursday 6 October 2016 - Ballot packs are distributed via post to every enrolled person in a random order over three days
  • Friday 21 October 2016, 6.00 pm - close of voting (postal elections) - postal ballot papers must be received by the VEC by 6pm
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:50 pm

Preferences are important

You MUST know not only the views of your preferred candidates, but also to whom they give their Preferences (and their views), or you can elect a Councillor you definitely did NOT want :!:
As you should be aware, you do not have to follow your preferred Candidate's published Preferences - you can decide your own Preferences - and so minimise the effect of dummy candidates who only stand to support others.
Candidates who do not publish Preferences may not be legitimate.

Counting the votes
Once voting is finished, one of two counting systems is used to determine the results:
  • Preferential counting or
  • Proportional counting
The counting system used for local council elections is determined by the number of vacancies:
  • Single Councillor wards are counted using the preferential counting system
  • Wards with multiple Councillors and unsubdivided municipalities use the proportional counting system
An overview by the VEC: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/Elections/CountingTheVotes.html

Preferential Voting

Proportional Voting
Used in Australian Senate, State Upper House and Local Government (Council) elections when more than one candidate is required, as in 3 Councillors per Ward for each of the 3 Wards in Frankston.


More information (some have been removed):
The proportional representation voting system.pdf
(251.98 KiB) Downloaded 4528 times
Source: https://www.vec.vic.gov.au/files/activitysheet20.pdf

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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:01 am

​Lillian O'Connor Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Has not previously been a Frankston Councillor.

​Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share and voice my position on the issues highlighted by the committee. My answers on these issues are below:

In which Ward do you live or own property?
I live in Seaford. Been here for most of my life. Couldn't imagine being elsewhere.

Down's Estate Project
​I am very pleased that Frankston Council recently approved DECWG to start work on the community use project at Down’s Estate in Seaford. I know this has been a long time in the making. This is a great result for DECWG and the broader community. I would be delighted to work with DECWG on this project going forward.

Level Crossing Removal Project
​The level crossing at Seaford Road is a very congested crossing. Rail under the road would be a much better option for the local residents who live along the rail line (particularly those in Levuka Street). It will be important to also make sure that significant replanting takes place after the crossing is removed, in order to maintain the ‘green feel’ of this area.

City Life / replacement services
​It is unfortunate that the City Life meal service ended. Citylife was providing a very valuable service – providing meals to so many vulnerable people in the local community. I will make sure that a meals service is maintained for the broader community. I know that meals are being provided at the Seaford Community Centre once a week. I would like to see this continue where demand for meals is evident.

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project
​Our local area is an oasis. We live here because of the coastal feel and the proximity to the beach and wetlands. Any development in the area needs to be carefully balanced and take into account the views of the local community. The development at 78-83 Nepean Hwy has been opposed by many local residents. I believe it is an overdevelopment and not in keeping with the local area.

I would love to hear your views, issues, concerns or anything that affects you. I am passionate about Seaford and the community itself. My contact details are below. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

​​Lillian O'Connor
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0474 097 877
E: lillian4frankston@outlook.com
"​Vote for Lillian O'Connor. Together, we will make a difference."

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download her questionnaire

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 24, 2016 4:05 pm

Kris Bolam, Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Was previously a Frankston Councillor from 2008-2012.

As a former Councillor and Mayor, I have decided to return to public life (after a four year hiatus) because the Frankston Council has taken the city backwards. We read more about the infighting and wasteful spending than we do about the good things happening in our suburb. The city's whopping $37 million dollar debt also concerns me greatly. I don't want to see future generations suffer because of incompetence. As a serving member of Victoria Police, and Justice of the Peace since 2008, I feel I have a good idea of the issues impacting upon our city. During my last stint on the Frankston Council, I went out of my way to listen to residents. If elected this approach will not change. I believe in getting results... not talking.

In which Ward do you live or own property?
I have lived in Frankston for over twenty years. I went to school in Karingal - Ballam Park Primary School and the now defunct Karingal Park Secondary College. I live approximately 200 metres from Karingal Hub: 7 Ulric Crt, Frankston (South-West Ward).

Given the advent of new rules regarding preferences, I have no exhaustive list for how residents should vote. However, I do encourage residents to provide their second vote for Lillian O'Connor. I know Sandra Harding well, and recommend that residents give her their third vote. Both ladies are fantastic and want the best for Frankston.

Down's Estate Project
I recognise the significance of the site. I am open to a potential 'Committee of Management' arrangement where the site is maintained for historical and permacultural purposes by residents and the Frankston City Council. However, funding is required to repair the existing site as it is in serious disrepair.

I commit to the following:
  1. 1) ascertain the level of volunteer interest to help maintain the site;
  2. ensure the cost to rehabilitate the site is not prohibitive; and
  3. source funding from other levels of government to take the financial impost off ratepayers
Level Crossing Removal Project
I support the railway level crossing works on the proviso that proper consultation occurs between the state bureaucracy and locals. We definitely need works at Station Street - Nepean Highway to prevent the daily bottleneck of vehicles during peak. I also believe that reparations should be provided to commuters for the delays they face as a result of these works. This could be in the form of Myki credit and/or free travel during disruption periods.

City Life / replacement services
I have made my thoughts on the demise of City-Life well known in the local media. There is no reason why a five year process to find City-Life a new home should've led to City-Life folding. Frankston Council, the Frankston Business Chamber and the State Government could have done more to secure City-Life. I see so many vacant shopfronts in the Central Frankston. Surely a rental arrangement could've been reached. While the idea of the Council taking over this service sounds nice, this service - as City-Life can attest to - would require a huge volunteer pool to succeed. Given the cost to ratepayers for such a service, I'd be more inclined to approach existing NGOs and PBIs. I'd be open to both the Council and State Government jointly covering rent in return for the availability of services to help our disadvantaged.

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project
Given the ramifications of providing a subjective opinion on what type of development I like (and would approve), it is probably not a good idea I specify. Frankston City Council spends thousands on legal representation to battle developers before VCAT each year. Hence, it is best that an impartial perspective remains. However any development that arouses anxiousness from residents, I will be happy to 'call in' and potentially modify. We need development that befits the character/amenity of our local neighbourhoods.

Kris Bolam
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0417 921 644
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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:35 pm

Russell Morse, Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Has not previously been a Frankston Councillor.

Russell Morse responded by sending me his flyer.
Click here to view a scan of Russell Morse's Flyer (Use "Back" in your browser to return to this page)

Russell Morse
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0407 882 431

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download his questionnaire

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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:04 pm

Candidates statements ...... which will be included in the ballot pack mailed to enrolled voters from Tuesday 4 October.
Statements - Frankston North-West Ward Candidates.pdf
(673.28 KiB) Downloaded 4596 times

Statements - Frankston South Ward Candidates.pdf
(663.66 KiB) Downloaded 4607 times

Statements - Frankston North-East Ward Candidates.pdf
(655.05 KiB) Downloaded 4574 times

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:18 am

Brad Hill, Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Was previously a Frankston Councillor from 2008-2012.

Thanks for the opportunity to respond Noel.

In which Ward do you live or own property?
I live in South Ward, in central Frankston - Foot St. precinct. I've always run in NW ward, I feel a closer affiliation with people in the Pines and northern half of our city than I do to those in South Ward - I grew up in a household that wasn't well off, and that's where my heart is. I served as councillor on NW ward from 2008 to 2012.

I'd say to people to do their homework - consider carefully, don't believe everything you read and vote accordingly. I think James Dooley has done a good job in difficult circumstances and would like to see him returned. Happy to hear from anyone who'd like to discuss further.

Down's Estate Project
The site has been vacant and derelict for far too long and needs to be dealt with. There is a great oppurtunity to turn the site into something beneficial for the whole community and all options should be explored with local involvement.

Level Crossing Removal Project
Frankston Council has already voted to opposed rail over road - and I have no intention of moving to change that if elected.

City Life / replacement services
Sadly City Life has thrown in the towel. Focus now needs to be on those they served and ensure they are catered for. Council can't do that alone and needs work in hand with the state government to make that happen. We have seen instead a confrontational approach and that does not help those in need.

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project in particular
We have to face the fact that we live in the real world higher density is inevitable - it is supported by both major parties and that won't change. Rather than fight a battle we can't win (and lose), our efforts must therefore go into ensuring such developments are in the right areas. Frankston is the regional hub, Seaford is a seaside village and should remain that way.

Brad Hill
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0425 884 066
E: fairdealforfrankston@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FairDealForFrankston/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brad.hill.au

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download his questionnaire

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:39 pm

Claire Houston, Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016
- Has not previously been a Frankston Councillor.

Hi Noel

Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinions on the local issues you have raised. The SCC is a vital and valuable link for Seaford residents, which I have supported since its inception in 2012 when we used to meet at Belvedere Community Centre.

In which Ward do you live or own property?
I live in Seaford in the North West Ward of City of Frankston. I love the area - the village feel, the abundance of trees and wildlife and proximity to the beach, creek, wetlands and parks of which the north-west ward has an abundance. I wish it to stay that way and certainly not be ‘jammed in’ with overdevelopment and loss of the reasons our area is so special. I particularly want to see the Seaford village remain just that - a very special village with two storey height restrictions.

As far as my preferences go, I believe both our present and also any former Councillors have made enough of a mess of things. Gross overspending and waste, rates that are higher than many other Councils yet we see less return for our investment, a $37 million debt, constant infighting and personality clashes for which ratepayers are 'picking up the tab’ for tribunal costs. Frankston Council became the laughing stock of many other Councils when they withdrew from the Municipal Association of Victoria due to ‘sour grapes’.

Down's Estate Project
I congratulate the SCC and the Down’s Estate committee for their untiring efforts to prevent this fabulous piece of our history being destroyed. I wish to see it retained and renovated with an ultimate functioning role. I am aware there are many volunteers extremely keen to get started on bringing it back to working order and open to the public for all to enjoy. If elected to Council this would be one of my priorities to fastrack this happening, as the longer the Estate remains ‘in limbo’ the further it falls into disrepair. Enough of Council sitting on its hands, this issue needs action.

Level Crossing Removal Project
This project will - I have no doubt - be an uphill fight to get the result the community wants. Rail under road is what the residents want and I will fight for that result, whether I am elected to Council or not. We must keep pushing for the outcome we want and not buckle to the pressure that will be placed on us to have skyrail. Skyrail will be an ugly blight on our landscape however the LXRA try to paint it otherwise.

City Life / replacement services
It was extremely disappointing to follow in the media, the pressures put on this amazing service to our most vulnerable citizens and its eventual forced closure. I am disappointed that Frankston Council did not do more to support the service as the crisis unfolded - after all they will inevitably be left with the impact of such a loss. If elected to Council I would work with the necessary parties - State and Federal governments and volunteer organisations, to set up an alternative arrangement that will work for everyone in general and the vulnerable users of this service in particular.

Development & 78-83 Nepean Hwy Project
Should this development go ahead, this will be the precedent to open the doors for more outrageous overdevelopments in our area. Unfortunately we, the people that actually live in the area, are the ones detrimentally impacted by such developments. Our creek is impacted, our roads are impacted and our environment is impacted. Such developments need to be located in areas which are planned for by our Council. And history does not look kindly on Council’s planning. The South East Water building is a case in point. Such an unappealing and bulky building should never have been approved for our foreshore/creek frontage. Why weren’t Councillors more diligent in assessing the design of this eyesore? For decades we have complained about the Peninsula building (now Quest apartments) and now, apparently having not learned anything from history, Council have allowed yet another eyesore to be built. If elected to Council I will, without fail, be overseeing design of all new or rejuvenated large-scale buildings in Frankston.

It is time for a new set of Councillors who know why they were elected - to serve the community - Vote for fresh energy and dedication to the job. Vote 1 -Claire Houston

Should anyone have any questions I am available on 0428 318 316.

best regards
Claire Houston
Candidate - Frankston City Council (North-West Ward) 2016

Ph: 0428 318 316
E: clairehouston@optusnet.com.au
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/claire.houston.92

VEC Questionnaire - click here to download her questionnaire

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:11 pm

Click here for more information on the results on the VEC website

We look forward to working with our new Councillors (as well as continuing with the re-elected ones).

Congratulations to the successful candidates and commiserations & thanks to the other people who stood for their community. We hope the result doesn't mean you fall out of public life and that after a suitable interval, you find other roles that appeal.

Successful candidates:

North-West Ward

BOLAM, Kris (1st successful)
O'CONNOR, Lillian (2nd successful)
AITKEN, Glenn (3rd successful)

North-East Ward
MAYER, Sandra (1st successful)
O'REILLY, Michael (2nd successful)
HAMPTON, Colin (3rd successful)

South Ward
CUNIAL, Brian (1st successful)
McCORMACK, Quinn (2nd successful)
TOMS, Steve (3rd successful)

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Noel Tudball
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Re: October 2016 Victorian Council Elections

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:39 pm

Latest news about the foibles of the Proportional voting system - http://baysidenews.com.au/2016/11/21/luck-draw-council-candidates/

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Noel Tudball
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