Seaford Rd Level Crossing Removal

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Seaford Rd Level Crossing Removal

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Apr 18, 2018 10:36 am

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Summary and Shortcuts to further information
  • Background to Level Crossings, Frankston Railway Line and announcements prior to 18 April 2018 here:
  • Critical dates for disruptions are linked above, by advice date
  • *** When buses replace trains, if you have special requirements such as a mobility scooter, it is recommended you call ahead to confirm your needs will be met by PTV: 1800 800 007
  • LXRA has built a temporary line at Seaford (which meant many of the trees were removed) to allow trains to travel past where (& while) the overpass is built
  • LXRA Contacts:
    o Seaford Community Hotline - 0401 697 255 or for Seaford Rd-only community enquiries, e.g. dates, plans, construction issues, general enquiries
    o 1800 105 105 24/7 Hotline - for all issues related to any crossing
    o Subscribe to email updates on the progress of any Level Crossing Removal Project. You can unsubscribe at any time: :arrow:
The LXRA design solution for Seaford Road:
Technical reports (hydrogeology, noise, etc:

Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA) websites:
For more information about road, rail and level crossing works/delays, visit:

What is happening at other crossings? -

The SCC is a member of the LXRA Seaford Rd Community Reference Group (CRG) which will liaise between residents and the Level Crossing Removal Authority (LXRA).
(Click on images to view & close)

SeafordRdJuly2018.jpg (207.28 KiB) Viewed 1940091 times

RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Medium).jpg
RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Medium).jpg (150.99 KiB) Viewed 1944020 times
Photo source:

SeafordRd-East (Medium).jpg
SeafordRd-East (Medium).jpg (153.84 KiB) Viewed 1940058 times


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The Seaford Community Committee (SCC) aims to improve communication and create a stronger community in Seaford.

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:58 pm

SCC Seaford Rd level crossing update: 20 April 2018

These are notes taken during a very productive and informative onsite meeting on 20 April with a small handful of residents, LXRA representative, the Alliance Community Relations Manager and the Alliance Contractor. Thank you to (resident) Jo for organising.

It is our hope that by sharing as much relevant and timely information as is practicable, we lessen some of the impact and stress on many residents who we know are extremely upset with what is happening in our lovely Seaford.

Our stated role is to aim to improve communication and create a stronger community in Seaford by representing the interests of residents and business operators in and around Seaford and we hope you find the following of interest:

  • the under rail walkway from Railway Pde to R F Miles Reserve will be located midway between Johnstone St and Weatherston Rd
  • no pedestrian lights are planned at that point - we will be advised if this changes, so that we can lobby to not have them installed due to the traffic disruption this would create, being located so close to Seaford Rd
  • the bus stop will be moved from the end of Johnstone St to the same location as the new under rail walkway - a nice bonus for anyone who has always worried about turning right into Johnstone St and getting a car in their boot - those who do will know what we're talking about - car overtakes in the bus stop - oops - power pole
  • discussions will be held with FCC and affected residents with a view to closing Weatherston Lane at the Seaford Rd end (only) to avoid people risking accidents by speeding on the wrong side of Seaford Rd to turn into Weatherston Lane in the face of oncoming traffic. The hope is to have this lane closed permanently from Seaford Rd (from the edge of the footpath/fence line)
  • electrical power along Railway Pde will be moved from the Eastern (rail) side to underground on the Western side of Railway Pde and the power poles on the Eastern side will be removed
  • since tree removal approval takes considerable time, approval for removal of all trees on the Western side of Railway Pde (the rail side) from Seaford Rd to Station St has been obtained, however:
    o (only) all of the trees on the Western side of Railway Pde (the rail side) between Seaford Rd and Johnstone St will be completely removed (starting next week)
    o North of Johnstone St along Railway Pde, only a (few) selected trees will be removed to allow access for work
  • for those wondering at the tree-trimming along Railway Pde this week, this was being carried out by United Energy (not LXRA)
  • 1 gum tree on the private property at the intersection of Railway Pde/Seaford Rd will go, possibly all - yet to be determined. This is because LXRA (road?)work near the tree is expected to interfere with the root system and balance of the tree/trees
  • the small power substation North of Johnstone St will re retained and refurbished
  • it is hoped that possum boxes will be sourced for residents wanting to accept relocated possums
  • the Alliance (contractor) can't provide soil, water, etc. reports, as the Alliance doesn't own them - we need to speak with LXRA
  • larger trucks currently using Fortescue Ave (to get to Bardia Ave) will change to using Wells Rd
  • traffic lights at the intersection of Railway Pde/Seaford Rd will always be reset back to pre work status
  • the Alliance & the contractor are also in charge of the Kananook Railway Sidings project. It is expected that it will be in the order of 6 months before designs for this area are finalised
  • a weekly onsite information session will be trialled to answer residents' questions face-to-face - details to be advised
  • it is expected that a notice of (approximate) critical dates and work items will be displayed 24/7 at the Seaford Rd crossing for residents’ information

  • LXRA Contacts:
    o Seaford Community Hotline - 0401 697 255 or for Seaford Rd-only community enquiries, e.g. dates, plans, construction issues, general enquiries
    o 1800 105 105 24/7 Hotline - for all issues related to any crossing

More information:

Background to Level Crossings, Frankston Railway Line and announcements prior to 18 April 2018:

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:10 pm

27 April 2018:

More information:

(Click on image to view & close)

LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P1-night.jpg
LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P1-night.jpg (35.2 KiB) Viewed 1943764 times
LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P1 (Medium).jpg
LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P1 (Medium).jpg (73.76 KiB) Viewed 1943764 times
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LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P2 (Medium).jpg (64.93 KiB) Viewed 1943764 times
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LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P1.jpg (193.28 KiB) Viewed 1943764 times
LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P2.jpg
LXRA Seaford Rd May 2018-P2.jpg (172.93 KiB) Viewed 1943764 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri May 04, 2018 5:56 pm

4 May 2018:

(Click on image to view & close)

LXRA SeafordRd-20180504 (1) (Medium).jpg
LXRA SeafordRd-20180504 (1) (Medium).jpg (56.05 KiB) Viewed 1943760 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sun Jun 17, 2018 6:06 pm

18 June 2018::

  • Seaford Road reopens and trains resume
  • Freight trains resumed last Wednesday
  • LXRA has built a temporary line at Seaford (which meant many of the trees were removed) to allow trains to travel past where (& while) the overpass will be built
  • The entire crossing will, however, be closed for a month in late August/early September (to at least vehicles & pedestrians) while the road is lowered and the overpass (U troughs) is installed
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:23 am

6 July 2018:

  • Seaford Rd level crossing removal rehabilitation survey:
  • Closing this Sunday, July 8: Reminder that you need to provide your input on how you would like our suburb to look after the level crossing has been removed
    • There is particular emphasis on the RF Miles Reserve, as well as use of and movement through the surrounding areas
    • 4 short surveys:
      • Vegetation
      • Playscape
      • Hard Surfaces and Materials
      • What's Important to You
(Click on images to view & close)

Railway Pde - before (Small).JPG
As at Feb 2018
Railway Pde - before (Small).JPG (74.27 KiB) Viewed 1942220 times
Railway Pde - after (Small).JPG
As at June 2018
Railway Pde - after (Small).JPG (62.31 KiB) Viewed 1942220 times
RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Small).jpg
As at April 2018
RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Small).jpg (66.25 KiB) Viewed 1942220 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:23 am

6 July 2018:

Kananook stabling yards

(724.62 KiB) Downloaded 57654 times

  • Frankston-Freeway: 80kmh for 18 months
  • (extract from latest flyer in previous Post):
Kananook-Stabling-Yards-F'ston-Freeway-impact.jpg (20.79 KiB) Viewed 1942220 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 07, 2018 2:33 am

6 July 2018:

  • Nightworks: Monday to Friday 7pm to 7am: Monday 2 July to Friday 13 July 2018
  • LXRA July Seaford Rd letterboxed flyer:
    • Seaford Rd, stabling yards, F'ston Freeway impact
    • our reminder - possum nesting boxes are still available from LXRA: Seaford Community Hotline - 0401 697 255 or

(Click on images to view & close)

LXRA July Seaford Rd (1).jpg
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LXRA July Seaford Rd (2).jpg
LXRA July Seaford Rd (2).jpg (90.57 KiB) Viewed 1942220 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Jul 18, 2018 3:11 am

Report following the LXRA Seaford Rd Community Reference Group (CRG) meeting on 17 July 2018:

(Click on images to view & close)
RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Small).jpg
As at April (current)
RFMilesReserve-April2018 (Small).jpg (66.25 KiB) Viewed 1941895 times
  1. Unfortunately, Seaford Rd will stay narrowed at the end of Railway Pde until late August while utility relocation work is continuing on the Southern side of Seaford Rd
    • please continue to take extreme care
    • DO NOT drive on the wrong side of the road
  2. It is expected that the entire Seaford Rd/Railway Pde/Fortescue Ave intersection will be closed from mid-August to mid-September for lowering of the road surfaces 1.5m (allowing the bridge to be lower than at some other crossings)
  3. (In response to questions raised by residents) the debris from removed trees currently located in the gully (between Seaford Rd and the Seaford station) has been intentionally placed there as habitat
  4. Community site briefing: Saturday 21 July, 10:00am: - find out what's happening / ask questions
  5. Seaford Road Revitalisation Community and Stakeholder Feedback Guide:
  6. Public feedback via the online survey and community site briefings:
    • have produced significant results
    • online survey: 388 (mostly from Seaford) and surrounding suburbs
    • evening session: 60
    • will be collated and findings reported
    • these will be discussed with the CRG members
    • these will be discussed with FCC with regard to graffiti and other management requirements
  7. LXRA are not causing Internet outages, as has been alleged
  8. The $10m "revitalisation" budget will cover:
    • the refurbishment of the oval
    • the bike/walking track/s
    • the surrounding areas
    • it was never intended to cover sporting facilities/buildings, nor their repair and maintenance
  9. The Seaford cricket club will be returning as soon as possible
  10. The future home of the footy club is uncertain at this point
  11. U-troughs will arrive in mid-August (for positioning over Seaford Rd and walkway underpass from Railway Pde to RF Miles Reserve)
  12. The height of the walkway underpass from Railway Pde to RF Miles Reserve will be 2.7m

RF Miles Reserve.jpg
RF Miles Reserve.jpg (115.82 KiB) Viewed 1941895 times
Possible future
OneVision.jpg (141.99 KiB) Viewed 1941895 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:56 pm

23 July 2018:
  • Railway Pde closure and power outage for residences due to power/pole relocations
  • Sunday 29 July: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • We've been told it's been scheduled on Sundays to reduce the impact on businesses
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RailwayPdeClosure20180729 (Medium).jpg (60.15 KiB) Viewed 1940851 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 28, 2018 5:17 pm

23 July 2018:

  • Works in Kananook Station/Frankston Freeway Area
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KananookStationArea2 (Medium).jpg (48.78 KiB) Viewed 1940851 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 28, 2018 5:48 pm

25 July 2018:

  • 25/7 - 27/7: Fortescue Avenue closure:
    • Fortescue Avenue will be closed at Seaford Road between 7am and 5pm every day this week due to ongoing gas relocation activities
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 28, 2018 6:12 pm

28 July 2018: road and rail closures PLUS "The FiiiiNAL ..... Shutdown"? - 3 advices from LXRA/Alliance

1. 30/7 - 3/8:
  • Seaford Road Westbound lane will be closed from Monday – Friday 7am-5pm for gas relocations:
  • Traffic driving westbound on Seaford Road will be diverted down Railway Parade
  • No right turn from Railway Parade onto Seaford Road
  • Elsie Avenue remains open as usual

2. Buses replace trains on the Frankston and Stony Point lines, between Carrum and Stony Point, during the following times:

3. 17/8 - 28/9: "The last shutdown" (implies the train-less intersection will be open on 29 September):
  • Railway Parade will be closed from Johnstone Street to Seaford Road
  • Seaford Road will be closed from Bayside Grove to Elsie Avenue
  • Access to Seaford Road for residents of Bayside Grove will be maintained
  • Fortescue Avenue & Elsie Avenue will be closed at Seaford Road
  • A pedestrian shuttle bus will travel from near Elsie Ave via Woolworths, the station & as far as possible down Railway Pde towards Seaford Road: 7am to 7pm 7 days a week
  • Local access will be maintained
  • LXRA: "Work will take place 24 hours a day, seven days a week during this period. We will work with impacted residents to minimise the impact of the works"

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:51 pm

Sign up for LXRA SMS updates about construction activities and potential impacts in Seaford & Carrum. You can opt out at any time.
Email your full name and mobile number to:

** Seaford Level Crossing Removal Project:
** Carrum Level Crossing Removal Project:

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:25 pm

Seaford Road Rail Bridge works - U-Trough deliveries: refer details in LXRA flyer images below:

  • Railway Parade: Friday 17 August between 1am and 5am
  • each night from Sunday 19 August to Friday 24 August between 1am and 5am

(Click on image to view & close - right-click to download)

LXRA Seaford Rd Update-20180807-1.jpg
LXRA Seaford Rd Update-20180807-1.jpg (318.71 KiB) Viewed 1940240 times
LXRA Seaford Rd Update-20180807-2.jpg
LXRA Seaford Rd Update-20180807-2.jpg (135.6 KiB) Viewed 1940240 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:52 am

11 August 2018: Seaford Road crossing (and surrounding areas) update

1. 11 and 12 August:
  • Seaford Road: utilities works, beach (Western) side of the level crossing. Traffic management will be in place, with lane closures at times

2. 13 and 14 August: Skye Rd intersection closed

3. Carrum level crossing:
  • 16 August to 14 September from 6pm to 7am: Works will take place on the Nepean Highway between Patterson River and Eel Race Rd. Lane closure in place

4. 17 August to 28 September:
  • 24/7 works: parts of Seaford Rd and Railway Pde will be closed

(Click on image to view & close)

SeafordRdJuly2018.jpg (207.28 KiB) Viewed 1940091 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:22 pm

13 August 2018:

Seaford Road community site briefing.jpg
Seaford Road community site briefing.jpg (217.41 KiB) Viewed 1939707 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:32 pm

13 August 2018:

  • Seaford CRG meeting 6 - CRG Presentation - 17 July 2018:
    • Update: Powerpoint presentation
(Click on image to view & close)

LX - SPA - Seaford CRG meeting 6 - Presentation - 17 July 2018 (Small).jpg
LX - SPA - Seaford CRG meeting 6 - Presentation - 17 July 2018 (Small).jpg (33.95 KiB) Viewed 1939707 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:20 pm

Recent announcements (by date):
(Moved from first Post as it was getting too long)

Critical dates for disruptions:

11 September 2019: LXRA Train Tour - Carrum to Frankston

September 2019: Indigenous painting of some of the concrete

6 April 2019: Repair phase kicks off in Seaford with some planting

20 October 2018: Buses replace trains, nightworks & Armstrongs Rd and Station St, Seaford temporary closures

24 September 2018: Road closures due to asphalting of Seaford Rd and Railway Pde:

24 September 2018: Railway Pde widening request: rejected

21 September 2018: Photos taken at Seaford, during the level crossing removal project

5 September 2018: Works alert – More trees going - as far as Eel Race Road

4 September 2018: Overton Road, Frankston will be closed between New Street and Wells Road from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday 4 September until Saturday 8 September

4 September 2018: Buses replace trains: 8:30 pm Saturday 8 September to 6:00 am Sunday 16 September 2018

16 August 2018: Sadly, more trees being removed along Railway Pde

15 August 2018: Road/crossing closures and report following the LXRA Seaford Rd Community Reference Group (CRG) meeting on 14 August 2018

13 August 2018: Seaford CRG meeting 6 - Presentation - 17 July 2018

13 August 2018: LXRA Seaford Road community site briefings: 10:00 am 14 & 25 August 2018

11 August 2018: Seaford Road crossing (and surrounding areas) update

8 August 2018: U-Trough deliveries

3 August 2018: Sign up for LXRA SMS updates

28 July 2018: Road and rail closures PLUS "The FINAL Shutdown"?

25 July 2018: 25/7 - 27/7: Fortescue Avenue closure:

23 July 2018: Works in Kananook Station/Frankston Freeway Area:

23 July 2018: Railway Pde closure and power outage:

18 July 2018: Report following the LXRA Seaford Rd Community Reference Group (CRG) meeting on 17 July 2018:

6 July 2018: Seaford Rd level crossing removal rehabilitation survey:

6 July 2018: Kananook stabling yards:

6 July 2018: Nightworks: Monday to Friday 7pm to 7am: Monday 2 July to Friday 13 July 2018 - LXRA July Seaford Rd letterboxed flyer:

18 June 2018: Seaford Road reopens and trains resume

4 May 2018: Seaford Road closure, buses replace trains, night works

27 April 2018: Seaford Road closure, buses replace trains, night works

20 April 2018: Very productive and informative onsite meeting on 20 April with a small handful of residents, LXRA:

20 April 2018:

23 March 2018:

7 March 2018:

6 March 2018:

5 March 2018:
  • site office at RF Miles Reserve
  • tree trimming and tree removal
  • safety fencing
  • construction of the temporary rail line (which meant many of the trees were removed) to allow trains to travel past where (& while) the overpass will be built
  • Seaford Rd Pedestrian Detour Map

1 March 2018:

28 February 2018:

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:08 pm

LXRA Seaford Rd August 2018 Update.pdf
(1.17 MiB) Downloaded 57795 times
(includes the LXRA suggested Seaford detours)

Report following the LXRA Seaford Rd Community Reference Group (CRG) meeting on 14 August 2018 (below the images):

(Click on image to view & close)
LXRA Seaford detours.jpg
LXRA Seaford detours.jpg (167.27 KiB) Viewed 1939097 times
SeafordRdJuly2018.jpg (207.28 KiB) Viewed 1939630 times

  1. Reminder: 17 August to 28 September: road and crossing closures or partial closures:
  2. Widening of Railway Parade
    • To improve safety, it was asked if Railway Parade could be widened to allow Northbound traffic to easily overtake stationary vehicles waiting to turn right into Weatherston Road and Johnstone Street
    • The response was: "adding this work to the project scope will be investigated"
    • A subsequent discussion with LXRA was unsatisfactory - see it here:
  3. Weatherston Rd:
    • There will be access problems due to different surface levels for a week (date uncertain as yet)
    • Arrangements will be made for residents, emergency vehicles and rubbish collection access, e.g. if rubbish collection trucks cannot access, LXRA workers will move the rubbish bins as required
  4. Kananook station/Freeway/future stabling yards work - current works are not just restricted to preparations for the proposed Kananook/Seaford train stabling yards, but also include replacement of overhead wiring and stanchions, track upgrades, installation of an additional track, creating a more stable/solid area for crane works (for when the train stabling yards works commence)
  5. Traffic flow/detours:
    • Since locals have the best knowledge of their area, LXRA are leaving local detours to them
    • LXRA has placed detour signs at the ends of the affected area, e.g. Nepean Highway and Frankston Freeway
    • Changes to traffic light sequencing at the Station St/Railway Pde intersection to favour Railway Pde will be investigated
    • LXRA will monitor activities live and change as required
  6. Bayside Grove: a 2m-diameter underground Melbourne Water stormwater pipe is preventing the use of the end of Miles Grove instead of Bayside Grove
  7. The concrete U-troughs (beams) will arrive in Railway Parade approximately 1am Friday morning & will progressively be put into place between Saturday and the following Thursday
  8. LXRA Seaford Road community site briefing: 10:00 am 25 August 2018:
  9. Buses replace trains on the Frankston and Stony Point lines, between Carrum and Stony Point, during the following times:
    • from Saturday 1:30 am 18 August until last service Sunday 19 August
    • from Saturday 8:30 pm 8 September until 6:00 am Sunday 16 September
  10. Dust: asthma sufferers and others – investigations continue
  11. Much of the Seaford Station carpark has been taken over at this time – note that parking is available at Seaford North Reserve. It is expected that restricted, fineable parking in suburban streets will be implemented
  12. Part of Station St (near the RSL) has been taken over to be used for shuttle bus parking
  13. Private vehicles parked on streets – residents are advised to park off-street during the busy rerouting of traffic during the crossing closure period
  14. Stormwater discharge into Kananook Creek: LXRA conducted an audit before commencing works and will again on completion – in the meantime, they regularly inspect and clean drains
  15. LXRA has installed noise monitors in several locations (look for the “solar-powered suitcases”)
  16. Insufficient street lighting at Seaford Rd crossing following the relocation of the power poles: will be investigated
  17. More timely notifications of changes would be appreciated – the SMS advice system should help – if those “on the ground” report changes to those who keep the community informed
  18. Most of the mounding materials are now in, the concrete being laid along the edges of the top of the batter is a spoon drain, which also doubles as a retainer for the ballast around the tracks
  19. If you would like to be onsite on the day the boom gates are removed or visit to see how the materials from level crossing works are recycled, contact Sonya Kilkenny, MP for Carrum: 03 9773 2727 - -

Following questions from a number of residents, this email was sent to LXRA Seaford on 16 August:
Could this question please be investigated urgently?
Could traffic lights - even temporary ones - please be installed at the intersection of Overton Rd and Nepean Highway to alleviate traffic snarls and potential accidents?
Benton Ave/Overton Rd is the only Southern exit for many in the area between Overton Rd and Seaford Rd to:
  • turn left to continue South, or
  • turn right to head North

If you have your own questions:
LXRA Contacts:
* Seaford Community Hotline - 0401 697 255 or for Seaford Rd-only community enquiries, e.g. dates, plans, construction issues, general enquiries
* Carrum station Hotline - 0417 136 666
* 1800 105 105 24/7 Hotline or - for all issues related to any crossing

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:43 pm

Sadly, as expected, advice from LXRA: more trees being removed along Railway Pde

140818 - Railway Pde_VegetationRemoval.pdf
(665.16 KiB) Downloaded 57416 times

(Click on image to view & close)
Railway Pde Trees August2018.jpg
Railway Pde Trees August2018.jpg (99.89 KiB) Viewed 1939050 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:52 pm

Change to detour map
Overton Road, Frankston will be closed between New Street and Wells Road from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Tuesday 4 September until Saturday 8 September

(Click on image to view & close)
Seaford Rd detours.jpg
Seaford Rd detours.jpg (97.99 KiB) Viewed 1937310 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:55 pm

Seaford: Buses replace trains: Frankston and Stony Point lines
From 8:30 pm Saturday 8 September to 6:00 am Sunday 16 September 2018

For more information about train replacement bus services, visit the PTV website:

(Click on image to view & close)
xTrains-Buses (Small).jpg
xTrains-Buses (Small).jpg (42.57 KiB) Viewed 1937308 times

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Works alert – Vegetation removal

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Sep 05, 2018 6:23 pm

Works alert – Vegetation removal - MORE trees!

"As part of our work to remove the level crossing at Seaford Road the existing combined services route will need to be relocated. This will be located within the rail corridor, however, to undertake this work some trees and vegetation need to be removed."

You might like to comment here:

240818- VegetationRemoval works.pdf
(682.69 KiB) Downloaded 57417 times

Eel Race Road to Armstrongs Road

(Click on image to view & close)
240818- VegetationRemoval worksP1.jpg
240818- VegetationRemoval worksP1.jpg (154.32 KiB) Viewed 1937203 times

Armstrongs Road to McKenzie Street

(Click on image to view & close)
240818- VegetationRemoval worksP2.jpg
240818- VegetationRemoval worksP2.jpg (180.19 KiB) Viewed 1937203 times

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Seaford Station: up to 70 car spaces closed

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:23 pm

"Due to construction activities near Seaford Station, up to 70 car spaces will be closed in the Railway Parade car park until mid-October 2018."

Source: ... e%20closed

(Click on image to view & close)
Seaford Station car park (Medium).jpg
Seaford Station car park (Medium).jpg (73.51 KiB) Viewed 1937155 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:15 am

Information just in from LXRA:

"Due to night works within the rail corridor, the level crossing at Station St, Seaford will be closed to traffic from 10pm on Saturday 8 September to 6am on Sunday 9 September. Traffic management will be in place."

You know the drill: detour further away.

Just in case you needed any reminding, LXRA are working 24/7 to have works finished to open the Seaford Rd/Railway Pde intersection by 28 September.

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Sep 21, 2018 5:52 pm

Someone has been VERY busy taking photos of stations all over Australia!
Arguably, the ones we're most interested in at the moment are at Seaford, during the Seaford Road level crossing removal project

(Click on image to view & close)

Pair of single track bridges over a floodway (Small).jpg
The walkway between Railway Pde and RF Miles Reserve
Pair of single track bridges over a floodway (Small).jpg (73.01 KiB) Viewed 1935358 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:38 pm

More photos taken at Seaford, during the Seaford Road level crossing removal project.

The last image is what was promised - on many occasions - ALL of the concrete must be HIDDEN !

We have voiced our dissatisfaction at the mustard fin decorations to LXRA and our local State MP Sonya Kilkenny has promised to take our concerns further.
You can also convey your opinion to her at

(Click on images to view & close)

Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd

LXRA Seaford Rd mustard fins (Mobile).jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd
LXRA Seaford Rd mustard fins (Mobile).jpg (98.15 KiB) Viewed 1935266 times
LXRA Seaford Rd mustard fins.jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd
LXRA Seaford Rd mustard fins.jpg (149.3 KiB) Viewed 1935351 times

Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd

Seaford Rd20180911_130816 (Mobile).jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd
Seaford Rd20180911_130816 (Mobile).jpg (121.48 KiB) Viewed 1935266 times
Seaford Rd20180911_130816 (2).jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd
Seaford Rd20180911_130816 (2).jpg (190.28 KiB) Viewed 1935351 times

Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd and walkway from Railway Pde to RF Miles Reserve

3RailwayPde20180911_124156 (Mobile).jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd and walkway from Railway Pde to RF Miles Reserve (central section of image removed to improve viewing on mobile devices)
3RailwayPde20180911_124156 (Mobile).jpg (99.76 KiB) Viewed 1935266 times
2RailwayPde20180911_124156 (Medium).jpg
Unfinished mustard fin "decorations" across Seaford Rd and walkway from Railway Pde to RF Miles Reserve
2RailwayPde20180911_124156 (Medium).jpg (208.97 KiB) Viewed 1935351 times

Seaford Rd Crossing Artist's impression
If we had to be content with the "hybrid bridge" that was forced upon us (rather than the trench that was requested), the very least they could have done was to hide the ugly thing. Hiding ALL the concrete was requested - and promised - on many occasions !

Seaford Rd Crossing Artist (Mobile).jpg
Seaford Rd Crossing Artist's impression
Seaford Rd Crossing Artist (Mobile).jpg (235.77 KiB) Viewed 1935266 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Sep 21, 2018 6:49 pm

Link to LXRA-provided photos taken at Seaford, during the Seaford Road level crossing removal project:

(Click on image to view & close)

UTroughs (Medium).jpg
UTroughs (Medium).jpg (152.59 KiB) Viewed 1935347 times

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Railway Pde widening request

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:47 pm

Railway Pde widening request:
  1. Construction of some localised widening of Railway Parade to allow Northbound traffic to more easily overtake stationary vehicles waiting to turn right into Weatherston Road and Johnstone Street
    • There have been vehicle crashes here, as vehicles try to overtake, only to realise at the last second that there is insufficient space for them to do so
    • Waiting right-turning vehicles (and vehicles waiting behind them) hold up traffic turning from Seaford Rd
  2. I raised the issue at the May, June, July and August CRG meetings and was told: "we'll investigate that"
    • Finally, a private meeting was arranged before the Sept CRG meeting and the results of that discussion are below
    • During the Sept CRG meeting, I asked if anyone wanted an update and no-one did
  3. LXRA Response:
    • It’s not part of the current scope of work
    • It would:
      • Leave less space for replanting
      • Put the road closer to the train track and may require a retaining wall, further restricting replanting
    • More room would lead to faster speeds and would be “giving in” to those who want to break the law
    • Drivers would expect the same treatment at all side streets along Railway Pde
    • The low volume of traffic does not warrant this treatment
  4. Further action:
    • Despite earlier information to the contrary, the bus stop appears to have been located directly opposite the end of Johnstone St, which should alleviate the problem at this location
    • Despite the foregoing, a widened area may yet be installed at the end of Weatherston Rd – we’ll see. If not, and after LXRA has left the scene, we will need to raise this with FCC, VicRoads and our local State MP Sonya Kilkenny
We would expect that any road resurfacing work would include lane and KEEP CLEAR markings.

Update received from LXRA on the keep clear markings:
  • “As part of the review of the new Seaford Road design, VicRoads have determined that the keep clear markings at the intersections of Railway Parade/Weatherston and Seaford Road/Elsie Avenue will no longer be required
  • With the level crossing removed, the flow of traffic through the intersections will improve and traffic is not expected to bank up as it has done in the past
  • The keep clear line markings at Seaford Road/Bayside Grove will be reinstated to assist vehicles turning right
  • VicRoads will monitor traffic flows once the roads reopen and adjust traffic signal times as needed"
Well, that'll be interesting - we can only hope - and monitor.

(Click on image to view & close)
Railway Pde widening.jpg
Railway Pde widening.jpg (247.56 KiB) Viewed 1934970 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:08 pm

Photos taken 25 September 2018: mobile and desktop sizes

Hiding ALL the concrete was requested - and promised - on many occasions !
The last image is what was promised - all of the concrete IS hidden !

We have voiced our dissatisfaction at the mustard fin decorations to the LXRA and our local State MP Sonya Kilkenny has promised to take our concerns further.
You can also convey your opinion to her at

Someone has suggested that it's simply a ploy to make residents happy with the bridge (when it's properly finished) even though they asked for the job to be done properly - with an unobtrusive trench.

(Click on images to view & close - if the images don't load, just refresh the page)

Seaford Rd20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Seaford Rd finished decorations
Seaford Rd20180925 (Mobile).jpg (33.71 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Seaford Rd20180925 (Medium).jpg
Seaford Rd finished decorations
Seaford Rd20180925 (Medium).jpg (183.13 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway Pde20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Railway Pde Embankment
Railway Pde20180925 (Mobile).jpg (28 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway Pde20180925 (Medium).jpg
Railway Pde Embankment
Railway Pde20180925 (Medium).jpg (164.26 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeB20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Seaford Rd/Railway Pde finished decorations
Railway PdeB20180925 (Mobile).jpg (29.06 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeB20180925 (Medium).jpg
Seaford Rd/Railway Pde finished decorations
Railway PdeB20180925 (Medium).jpg (154.66 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeWalkway20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Railway Pde underground walkway
Railway PdeWalkway20180925 (Mobile).jpg (31.96 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeWalkway20180925 (Medium).jpg
Railway PdeWalkway20180925 (Medium).jpg (191.33 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdePedX'ingB20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Railway Pde pedestrian crossing
Railway PdePedX'ingB20180925 (Mobile).jpg (37.88 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdePedX'ingB20180925 (Medium).jpg
Railway Pde pedestrian crossing
Railway PdePedX'ingB20180925 (Medium).jpg (198.17 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeC20180925 (Mobile).jpg
Railway Pde looking over RF Miles Reserve
Railway PdeC20180925 (Mobile).jpg (31.81 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times
Railway PdeC20180925 (Medium).jpg
Railway Pde looking over RF Miles Reserve
Railway PdeC20180925 (Medium).jpg (166.01 KiB) Viewed 1934786 times

Seaford Rd Crossing Artist Mobile.jpg
Seaford Rd Crossing Artist Mobile.jpg (235.77 KiB) Viewed 1934650 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:44 pm

A recent aerial photograph (source thanked, but withheld)

(Click on images to view & close - if the images don't load, just refresh the page)

Seaford RdSept2018 (Mobile).jpg
Seaford RdSept2018 (Mobile).jpg (29.64 KiB) Viewed 1934650 times
Seaford RdSept2018 (Medium).jpg
Seaford RdSept2018 (Medium).jpg (166.55 KiB) Viewed 1934650 times
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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:11 pm

Buses replacing trains - from 8.15pm to last train each night from Monday 29 October to Wednesday 31 October 2018

DAY AND NIGHT WORKS - Friday 26 October to Sunday 28 October 2018
Armstrongs Road and Station Street, Seaford will be temporarily closed at the level crossing

Questions: 1800 105 105 or

121018 Resident Notification - October Occupation.pdf
(575.1 KiB) Downloaded 57325 times

(Click on image to view & close)
121018 Resident Notification - October Occupation.jpg
121018 Resident Notification - October Occupation.jpg (223.2 KiB) Viewed 1930386 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Construction Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:08 am

(Click on images to view & close)
More info:
Questions: 1800 105 105 or

LXRA Works alert – Seaford, Kananook, Carrum-121218-110119.jpg
LXRA Works alert – Seaford, Kananook, Carrum-121218-110119.jpg (99.83 KiB) Viewed 1913945 times

LXRA 12 December 2018 Update

Works alert – Kananook Train Storage Facility


From 6pm Friday 18 January 2019 until 7am Monday 20 January 2019, construction activities will take place
24 hours a day along the track between Bonbeach Station and Kananook Station and across the Karrum Karrum
LXRA Works alert – Seaford, Kananook, Carrum 110119.pdf
(157.73 KiB) Downloaded 57227 times

LXRA January 2019 Update

(Click on images to view & close)
LXRAJanuary2019Update-1 (Large).jpg
LXRAJanuary2019Update-1 (Large).jpg (130.27 KiB) Viewed 1913945 times

LXRAJanuary2019Update-2 (Large).jpg
LXRAJanuary2019Update-2 (Large).jpg (129.08 KiB) Viewed 1913945 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing: Repair Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Sun Apr 07, 2019 3:12 pm

It's great to see the repair phase in Seaford kicked off by some members of LXRA's Seaford Community Reference Group (CRG) and others.

Plants being used:
  • have been grown from seeds of removed trees and others around the area collected before work began, and
  • are also from the Frankston Indigenous Nursery
Unfortunately, the Seaford CRG has been wound up earlier than expected, but the SCC will be in contact with LXRA/LXRP to monitor and provide input as necessary on such items as:
  • future plantings (local schools will participate in some), and
  • the location of the shared user path through Seaford to Carrum and Frankston
The concrete pillars will receive indigenous paintings, as will the vertical areas North and South of Seaford Rd under the bridge, above the rockeries.

Photo credit: Sonya Kilkenny MP. Original and more:

(Click on image to view & close)
Seaford CRG (Medium).jpg
Seaford CRG (Medium).jpg (160.24 KiB) Viewed 1904700 times

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Re: Seaford Rd Level Crossing Removal: Repair Phase

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:26 pm

September 2019: indigenous painting of some of the concrete

You may have noticed the painting underway on the four piers and walls at Seaford Road ......

2019 actual:
Indigenous painting.jpg
Indigenous painting.jpg (38.83 KiB) Viewed 1885782 times

2018 Concept:
Aboriginal Cultural Design Concepts-20181015.jpg
Aboriginal Cultural Design Concepts-20181015.jpg (233.05 KiB) Viewed 1882007 times

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11 September 2019: Train Tour - Carrum to Frankston

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:56 pm

Want to know more about what’s happening in Carrum and along the Frankston line?

Join members of the LXRA construction team for a train tour of the works from Carrum to Frankston:
Wednesday 11 September 2019, at 10:25am at Bonbeach Station


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