Permit: 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford

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Permit: 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford

Postby Noel Tudball » Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:12 pm

176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford, corner of Seaford Rd, is the same corner as the 2012 McDonald's Application that was mostly defeated due to VicRoads' traffic report.

More information will be posted here as required.

Yes, this could be an undercover application for McDonald's (or similar) and could be better or worse than a proposal for a high density development (block of flats).

Residents' discussions (to perhaps help you to crystallize your thoughts) are here:
And here:
And here:

If you have an opinion on this Permit Application that you want heard, submissions to FCC close on 18 November 2021.
All you need to do is submit an objection that will be considered by FCC when they deliberate their decision.

Thanks go to Chris O'Neil, who has listed the objection process and offered suggestions for your objections here:

Or try this:

Further reading:

Permit Application Planning documents have been Shared here:

The 2012 McDonald's Permit Application Planning documents have been Shared here:
More on the 2012 McDonald's Permit:

Aerial Elevation Plan 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford (Small).jpg
Aerial Elevation Plan 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford (Small).jpg (55.53 KiB) Viewed 58773 times

Artist's impression 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford (Small).jpg
Artist's impression 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford (Small).jpg (55.67 KiB) Viewed 58773 times

Artist's impression 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford2 (Small).jpg
Artist's impression 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford2 (Small).jpg (62.82 KiB) Viewed 58773 times

Aerial Elevation Plan 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford.jpg
Aerial Elevation Plan 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford.jpg (367.3 KiB) Viewed 58773 times

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Noel Tudball
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Re: Permit: 176-178 Nepean H'way Seaford

Postby Noel Tudball » Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:48 pm

This has not worked out as expected.

Update: August 2022:

In 2012, a Permit Application was submitted for McDonald's and servo on the TWO blocks and it was possible for FCC to reject it on traffic volume alone due to VicRoads' traffic evaluation.

This time, 10 years later with much heavier traffic, the Application is again for a petrol station and a drive through fast food restaurant, but the State Govt (Dept of Transport) did not get involved. (The Victorian State Govt recently privatized VicRoads and passed planning responsibility to the Dept of Transport.)

The Permit Application has therefore been approved and construction is currently underway.

Many wanted to appeal - including going to VCAT if necessary - but with State Govt changes to building regulations and without the support of VicRoads that we had last time, there were simply no grounds on which to appeal.

At the time of writing, we haven't even been informed as to who will be occupying the area.


* (this Post)

And Facebook Posts here:

* 2022:

* 2021:



FCC has therefore approved the Permit (with many conditions - see below) but:
  1. No meeting between the Applicant and Objectors to discuss the Permit after objections were submitted
  2. No follow-up by FCC to allow us to have a say
  3. Notification that the Permit has been approved, and
  4. If we want to object we have to do that with VCAT. I do not yet know the fee for that

I've sent a Question With Notice for the 15 August meeting asking the 2 questions below.
I've sent an email to FCC's CEO and Councillors with some background and ......

"I believe I am speaking on behalf of several thousand Seaford and Frankston residents when I ask for an investigation, response and revision of what has occurred with the handling of this Permit Application.

Many residents are questioning due diligence, process and transparency.


  1. Why has this Permit Application been approved without the opportunity for residents to discuss the objections they lodged with FCC in 2021?
  2. Why is it stated in the attached document that objections can only be lodged with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)?"

We'll see what happens.

Further discussion:


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The Seaford Community Committee (SCC) aims to improve communication and create a stronger community in Seaford.

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Noel Tudball
Posts: 795
Joined: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:28 pm

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