Factory Permit Application: 6-7 Apsley Place Seaford

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Factory Permit Application: 6-7 Apsley Place Seaford

Postby Noel Tudball » Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:21 pm

The most recent update is at the bottom of this page - Page Down please ......

Apparently, although the factory was to cease operation by 12 April 2018, FCC granted the operator an extension. Presumably, relocation or finding a suitable alternative location is proving difficult.

WITHOUT PREJUDICE: The Seaford Community Committee and the affected residents have absolutely no issue with the operators of this factory - nor the previous (quiet) factories that have operated on the site. It is simply the noise, exhaust and waste products from the polystyrene manufacturing process that are at issue, coupled with the fact that the operator has (perhaps unknowingly) operated without the required Permit for over 4 years.

Permit Application NO. 20/2017P - 6-7 Apsley Place Seaford - Wuzhou Foam Australia Pty Ltd (off Hartnett Dve)

Apparently, the factory has actually been manufacturing for some years without this Permit.

The formal wording is to operate a factory within 30m of a Residential Zone.
The factory manufactures polystyrene foam.
The factory is actually only over the fence from some homes - see video link below.

If you are affected by this, or have experienced noise or other pollution as a result of the factory, please contact us. A sample Objection is available to make the process easier for you.

Councillors have been requested to call the Application into a Council meeting for public debate.
Given the 50-60 Objections, it is expected that a Residents Meeting (with Councillors and Council Officers) will be scheduled.

Although the formal closing date for Objections was 24 July - 10 day's notice with today's slow postal deliveries - "Council may also consider submissions and objections received after the closing date and prior to finalising its assessment of the application."

The documents are no longer on this page - http://www.frankston.vic.gov.au/Planning_and_Building/Planning/Statutory_Planning/Current_Planning_Applications_on_Public_Notice,
so have been uploaded to Google Drive (no sign-in required):

Click on this link to view and download the files - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1_RO8yB1fC2bDlhV00tQmFjeEk

  • Video of escaping allegedly toxic fumes (steam) taken through a resident's fence - Wuzhou Wuzhou Foam Video 20170727.mp4
  • Photos of scattered rubbish (polystyrene foam)
  • Standard blank form - Objection_to_Planning_Permit_Application_Form_November_2015.pdf
  • SubmissionObjection_Checklist.pdf
  • Application Plans - 202017P_-_6-7_Apsley_Place_Seaford_-_Plans.pdf
  • Permit Application - 202017P_-_6-7_Apsley_Place_Seaford_-_Application_Form.pdf

Email us on SeafordCC@gmail.com if you have any problems or questions.

(Click on image to view & close - right-click to save)

Wuzhou Foam Permit (2).jpg
Advice from FCC (2)
Wuzhou Foam Permit (2).jpg (124.34 KiB) Viewed 15909 times
Wuzhou Foam Permit (1).jpg
Advice from FCC (1)
Wuzhou Foam Permit (1).jpg (117.49 KiB) Viewed 15909 times


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Noel Tudball
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Re: Factory Permit Application: 6-7 Apsley Place Seaford

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:32 pm

Great result - the residents have done well - Frankston Council denies permit for Seaford polystyrene firm Wuzhou Foam Australia
The SCC is very pleased to have assisted the residents in these negotiations.
It should be noted that no-one has any issue with the operator or previous business operators. It is only the polystyrene manufacturing process and its waste products, odour, noise, etc. that have been of concern.

Everyone involved is extremely pleased with this decision and very hopeful that the operator will:
  • accept FCC’s decision
  • respect the residents’ right to the amenity and quiet enjoyment of their properties
  • accept that this is not the right location for this type of manufacturing process and
  • relocate very shortly.
Everyone also hopes that the operator will not exercise their right of appeal, which would only require FCC taking further steps to force the operator to relocate.
​​FCC has stated that Officers will take steps to ensure that this type of problem does not recur.

Another residents’ concern was the facilities at ​​​​Bruce Aitken ​Reserve. ​FCC Officers will initiate a consultation process to discuss what improvements are appropriate.

The 27th February residents’ meeting to discuss the Permit Refusal was well-attended with a good mix of formality and informality, with everyone having the opportunity to share their thoughts, frustration, concerns, relief and gratitude.

One aspect that definitely needs further research is the fact that the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) inspections only found minor issues (such as a stormwater infringement) that needed to be resolved. All residents were incredulous to discover that the EPA does not routinely conduct air testing: the residents’ main concern. The EPA merely advise operators to employ air testing consultants at their own cost.

It's interesting to note that we were told by the EPA that there is no polystyrene recycler anywhere in Victoria. So perhaps, given that the operator produces a great deal of unusable waste, they are perhaps in the wrong State.

The question was asked: “Why is it that a business does not need a permit BEFORE commencing business?”

The answer is that Permits are required - or not - depending on the individual circumstances, the land, the Zone and other factors. For example, building a garage without first obtaining a Permit is asking for trouble. We were told that people need to make enquiries, which was not done in the case of this factory. People can unwittingly commit a crime by not checking whether or not a Permit is required for their intended purpose. It should be noted that FCC has an enquiry system that enables people to easily check the facts before proceeding.

(Click on image to view & close)
6-7 Apsley Place Permit Refusal (1).jpg
6-7 Apsley Place Permit Refusal (1).jpg (105.38 KiB) Viewed 14011 times
6-7 Apsley Place Permit Refusal (2).jpg
6-7 Apsley Place Permit Refusal (2).jpg (139.29 KiB) Viewed 14011 times

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Noel Tudball
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Re: Factory Permit Application: 6-7 Apsley Place Seaford

Postby Noel Tudball » Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:42 am


Although the factory is still in the process of packing up, we thank the polystyrene factory for closing and relocating to Dandenong.

A real team effort and a good outcome for all!

The SCC acquainted residents with processes and gave a little advice, but it was the residents who did the hard yards. They were well and truly fed up after so many years and had plenty of incentive.
The residents even went that extra yard to support FCC to implement steps to try to prevent a recurrence of a noisy, polluting manufacturing process so close to private residences.

FCC Officers and Cr's efforts are to be commended and we all very much appreciate Cr Kris Bolam for listening and acting at our very first request.

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Noel Tudball
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